Saturday, June 29, 2024

Death Before Discomfort? Holes in the 'positive-only' training approach


I sat on the floor in disbelief.

Siobhan - my collie, my girl, my #1 demo dog, my coworker and friend of nearly 12 years was breathing raggedly. Her head and muzzle were swollen beyond recognition. Her eyes were glassy.

Her vital organs & all systems were shutting down. But she continued her fragmented, agonal breathing.

I had spent the last 24 hours with her, medicating her continuously to try to control her pain, and praying for a miracle.

The rattlesnake that had bitten her packmate, Trinity, had also gotten her. ... read on

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Potty Training is Hard, Unless You Know These 6 Tips and Tricks

  So…you got a new puppy. Or a new rescue dog. And now the fun begins - well, mostly fun. Except that your new pooch seems to think your ...