Saturday, June 29, 2024

Death Before Discomfort? Holes in the 'positive-only' training approach


I sat on the floor in disbelief.

Siobhan - my collie, my girl, my #1 demo dog, my coworker and friend of nearly 12 years was breathing raggedly. Her head and muzzle were swollen beyond recognition. Her eyes were glassy.

Her vital organs & all systems were shutting down. But she continued her fragmented, agonal breathing.

I had spent the last 24 hours with her, medicating her continuously to try to control her pain, and praying for a miracle.

The rattlesnake that had bitten her packmate, Trinity, had also gotten her. ... read on

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Let's talk about TEETH!

 Let’s talk about teeth!

Is your dog suffering from stinky breath?  Do you notice plaque and tartar build-up on his or her teeth?

Dental care is just important for our pets as it is for us.   According to, by the time they are three years old, most dogs show some signs of gum disease.  This can lead to painful infections, and even heart disease.

A healthy mouth supports a healthy dog! 

Click Here to Read On....


Potty Training is Hard, Unless You Know These 6 Tips and Tricks

  So…you got a new puppy. Or a new rescue dog. And now the fun begins - well, mostly fun. Except that your new pooch seems to think your ...