Sunday, November 24, 2024

Paw & Order: How to Manage One Dog Stealing from the Other


It’s an age-old question that dog trainers get all the time:

“What do I do about my puppy stealing toys from my other dog?”

As humans, of course we want our dogs to ‘play nice and share.’ What we need to remember is that dog play can look different from dog to dog, and pack to pack; depending on the ages of the dogs, as well as breeds, health, and temperaments.

So...what should you do when one of your dogs is stealing toys from the other? Read on to find out more.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The #1 Human Trait that is Ruining Your Dog Training


Trainer Jen here - to let you in on a little dog training secret.

Whether you sent your dog off to a board & train program and you received back a ‘trained dog’… or you just finished up going through training classes where you trained your dog yourself, your dog isn’t trained.

Let me say that again.

Your dog isn’t trained.

Wait. What?????

That’s right. If your dog has just recently finished up a training program, your dog is not yet actually ‘trained.’

Instead, your dog has the foundation of training. The beginnings of training. The tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

Click here to Continue Reading.

Mastering Peace: Unlocking the Mystery of Separation Anxiety

Dog training is an essential aspect of pet ownership that can significantly improve the quality of life for both dogs and their owners.

Among the various challenges that dog owners face, separation anxiety is one of the most common behavioral issues dogs are relinquished to shelters for.

This problem not only affects the well-being of the dog but can also lead to stress and frustration for the owner. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for addressing separation anxiety, as well as provide recommendations for training resources that can assist in these situations.

Key Takeaways

  • Separation anxiety can manifest in various ways, including destructive behavior and excessive barking.

  • Professional training and behavior modification techniques can help address separation anxiety effectively.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Dear Humans: Please Choose Your Next Dog Wisely - Love, The Dogs of the World


WARNING: This may be a controversial or provocative post. As always, it is meant to get you thinking - about dogs, about yourself, and how to improve your life with your current and future canine companions.

But, I realize some folks will be triggered by it.

It still needs to be said.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Potty Training is Hard, Unless You Know These 6 Tips and Tricks


So…you got a new puppy. Or a new rescue dog.

And now the fun begins - well, mostly fun. Except that your new pooch seems to think your most expensive rugs are the perfect doggy toilet station.

Potty training can be elusive for many dogs and owners, but it doesn’t have to be. Read on to find out more!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Socializing your puppy is hard, unless you know this pro trick

Socialization. It’s a buzz word that’s thrown about by puppy owners, dog trainers, groomers, veterinarians - really anyone and everyone in the dog world.

If you have a new puppy, you might have even already searched for a trainer who offers puppy socialization classes.

But what IS Socialization?

And is there a right way (or wrong way) to do it? Read on to find out more!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Back to School - for the Dogs!

It’s that time of year.

Kids are back in school; establishing the routines of getting out of bed early and heading off to classes - spending their days (hopefully) learning useful, meaningful lessons, and probably having homework and tests.

But what about the dogs?

With the Winter Holiday Season just around the corner, now is a great time to make sure Fifi or Fido’s manners and obedience are up to par - BEFORE the turkey, ham, and other goodies hit the table, and BEFORE the guests arrive, or the travel to family or friends’ houses begins.

So…it’s time for a pop quiz! How is your dog’s Report Card looking in the following areas?

Paw & Order: How to Manage One Dog Stealing from the Other

  It’s an age-old question that dog trainers get all the time: “What do I do about my puppy stealing toys from my other dog?” As humans, of...